The Making of America
This book “The Making of America” is an enjoyable read. The writing style is such that you find yourself seeking more information of which the text has supplied ample sources of corroborating reference material. The book was authored by W. Cleon Skousen several years ago. Though the book was written several years ago, the information contained therein is as relevant today as it was then.
The Making of America begins with a biographical delineation of the man, Thomas Jefferson who discovered the principles behind America’s great awakening of freedom. The book then follows the path that the American Founding Father’s took in their search for a workable governmental system that would protect the freedom of the populous.
Background Information of America’s Formation
Cleon Skousen in writing the book wanted to show what writings had influenced America’s Founding Fathers to opt for a governmental system that had never been fully implemented before in all of man’s history. During the Revolutionary War the colonies were governed by the Articles of Confederation which proved to be deficient not providing sufficient authority to the central government. The founding fathers were fearful of the abuses that are inevitable from an all powerful central authority. Strengthening of the central government was done slowly after much thought, discussion and deliberation.
The Why & Hows of Capitalism
America’s great renaissance of prosperity and freedom is the result of multiple factors all coming together at the same time. Adam Smith published “Wealth of Nations” at around the same time period the Founding Fathers were working to frame America’s political and economic system. The Founding Fathers adopted Adam Smith’s premise thereby directing free men to trade freely among themselves. Dr. Skousen in his book “The Making of America” uses this part of history to explain capitalism along with why capitalism works. Free men given the freedom to own property, freedom to try or fail has created the greatest era of prosperity known to mankind.
Dissection of the U. S. Constitution
Cleon Skousen then continues with a detailed dissection of the U. S. Constitution using writings of the Founders individually as well as information recorded in the “Federalist Papers.” The Making of America tells how the U. S. Constitution is unique from all previous governing documents in that it SECURES the rights and powers of the people.
Recap – The Making of America
Most books covering legal matters are boring difficult to read and understand. Dr. Skousen has delved into the constitution uncovering the principles behind the included clauses within the constitution bringing the document alive. This fact accompanied with his unique writing style makes “The Making of America” an easy enjoyable read for both young and old. Historical background information provides color to an otherwise dry subject matter.
The book has a very enticing manner that invites the reader to personally delve deeper into the subject. I have found this quality unique to many of Cleon Skousen’s books. As an introduction to understanding America’s constitution this book cannot be beat. It provides the historical background as well as the principles encompassed within this great legal document.