What is our purpose?

The Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration is comprised of a number a patriots representing various areas, ages, and religious backgrounds throughout the United States who have a firm conviction that the solution to the problems of America are ingrained within the constitution as originally designed and written by the founding fathers. We believe the founding fathers were inspired by the creator to be able to setup the first free people in modern times. What the founders accomplished was a miracle and within a few short years, with only 6% of the population of the world they were producing one half of the world’s wealth. We believe and can firmly document that the major problems facing America today are all a result of the abandonment of the original constitution. The abolishing of constitutional principles is taking America away from the bright light of freedom throughout the world. The Thomas Jefferson Center is involved in attempting to see the constitution restored, checks and balances renewed, appropriate spending and legal legislation adopted. We’re convinced that the heavens knew what they were doing when they inspired the establishment of the constitution and Americans would be wise to return to that position. We must remember: Freedom is a gift from God, not Government.

If you are fed up with those who constantly point out the problems with America, but who offer no solutions, then TJC will provide a fresh perspective.

America does have its challenges, but the Founding Fathers have the answers. We can get America back on track. To do so we have developed a powerful series of seminars entitled the Healing of America Seminars. In addition, we have compiled a great library of Constitutional resources and have organized a cadre of patriots who are dedicated to this cause.

If you are one of those:

  • who truly loves America
  • who has confidence in the Founding Fathers
  • who is concerned about what’s happening in America, and
  • who wants to be part of a positive movement to heal this land,

Then we invite you to unite with us to effect positive change in America!

Glenn J. Kimber, PhD

President, Thomas Jefferson Center

Glenn J. Kimber was born and raised in northern Utah. After graduating from High School he attended Weber State College. In 1965 he married Julianne Skousen and shortly thereafter he joined the Air Force where he served for 4 years, including one tour of duty to Vietnam.

Upon returning from Vietnam, Dr. Kimber continued his university studies graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree from Brigham Young University. He then joined with W. Cleon Skousen in establishing an educational foundation called the Freemen Institute, which was organized for the purpose of teaching American History and Constitutional studies. During the next number of years, Dr. Kimber presented patriotic seminars and conferences in all 50 states and in a number of foreign countries.

Dr. Kimber continued his education, receiving two Doctorate degrees, one in Constitutional Studies in 1992 from Coral Ridge Baptist University, based in Florida. He continued his educational pursuits and received a second Doctorate in education from George Wythe College.

Dr. Kimber established a series of private schools called the Benjamin Franklin Academies to incorporate a strong moral and patriotic curriculum back into the classroom. In 2001 he also established the Kimber Academies, a private school for students ages K – 12. He and his wife have authored over 100 textbooks and educational guides which emphasize the U.S. Constitution, America’s Founding Fathers, and moral and religious values in all five core subjects.

Dr. Kimber was instrumental in developing a program for television called The Miracle of America, which was presented in a number of states. This series taught American history and Constitutional principles from the viewpoint of the American Founding Fathers.

Dr. Kimber has testified before a number of legislative committees in several states pertaining to Constitutional and educational issues. He has also been a guest on a number of radio and television talk shows.

Currently, Dr. Kimber is the president of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration, and in that capacity conducts seminars throughout the United States called “The Healing of America.”

This seminar series teaches participants:

1) the founding of America,
2) the establishment of the U.S. Constitution,
3) America’s drift from the Constitution, and
4) how the greatness of America can be restored.

Dr. Kimber also conducts tours to the Middle East, including Egypt, Jordan, and Israel.  He and his wife are the parents of 8 children, grandparents of 28, and currently reside in Cedar City, Utah.

Dr. Kimber can be contacted via e-mail: Glenn J. Kimber.

Alvin B. Jackson, Jr.

Board Member, Thomas Jefferson Center

Alvin Jackson currently serves as President, ISR Group, Inc., which is the leading provider of after-market services and training for unmanned systems. These systems are used in both military and commercial applications, as we pride ourselves in keeping the war fighter out of harms way by providing overhead intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

Mr. Jackson also serves on a volunteer basis as a Board Member of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration. This notion of all problems being solved in Washington, DC is contrary to the vision our Founding Fathers set for this great nation through the US Constitution. Mr. Jackson’s experience in Washington, DC prompted him to seek a better solution to our nation’s problems, which led him to the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration. His time serving in the Navy and Washington, DC has created within him a deep love for this country and the freedoms afforded to us all, as citizens. Mr. Jackson’s efforts through the Thomas Jefferson Center will hopefully make a difference among our current leaders, of which he has constant contact.

Additionally, his strong desire to teach our young people about the greatness of this nation and inspire them regarding their role in preserving our freedoms is paramount.

Mr. Jackson has a BS degree in Aviation Business Administration from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and an MBA from Johns Hopkins University. Mr. Jackson received the Embry-Riddle Graduate of the Last Decade Award 2000, the Distinguished Graduate Award from the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, and mentors young people in a variety of settings. He also serves on the Embry-Riddle University’s President’s Advisory Board; and Brigham Young University’s Marriot Business School National Advisory Committee.

Mr. Jackson resides in Arlington, VA with his wife, Juleen and their 5 young children: Kayla, Franklin, Mary Alice, Alvin III, and Marie.

W. Cleon Skousen


Many patriots who are of the younger generation have asked members of the Thomas Jefferson Center: “We have heard of W. Cleon Skousen.  We know he wrote the popular Five Thousand Year Leap.  But who was he?  What is his background that gives him such credibility?”

First of all, it is important to know that Cleon Skousen was co-founder of the Thomas Jefferson Center.  As his son-in-law, Glenn Kimber joined with him in organizing the TJC  with a mission to inform the public about what is happening in America, and warn them of the dangers of big government.

To further enlighten those who do not know Dr. Skousen, the article below is a great description of who he was and lists his great life’s accomplishments.  Dr. Skousen passed away on January 9, 2006.  The following was presented at the height of his career in the 1980s:

Who was W. Cleon Skousen?

At a time when Mr. Skousen was giving hundreds of speeches each year, he occasionally received rather unusual introductions. Here is one of them. The chairman said:

“Before presenting our speaker, I have been asked to recognize ten distinguished gentlemen whom we have with us tonight. I will first introduce their accomplishments and then introduce them by name. All of these men are friends of our speaker.

“First, we have with us a national authority on child development who has written one of America’s most widely read books on raising boys.

“Second, we have with us a former FBI official who specialized in studying subversion and wrote a national best seller on the subject. He has also written a national best seller on the secret combinations which threaten the Constitution and the survival of freedom in America.

“Third, we have with us a university professor who is a specialist on the Bible and other Christian writings, and who teaches a thousand students per week. He is best known for several college texts which constitute a careful analysis of ancient scriptural literature.

“Fourth, I will also introduce to you the editorial director of a national law and order magazine. He writes a feature article each month for 15,000 chiefs of police throughout the nation.

“Fifth, we have with us a former chief of police of a major city who reorganized a scandalized police department. This effort eventually won the praise of Time Magazine, which called the result a ‘model department.’

“Sixth, we have another distinguished guest with us who is a world traveler. He has conducted tours to every continent on the globe, has spoken in every state of the Union, and has given lectures in 45 foreign countries.

“Seventh, we also want you to meet a lawyer who is a member of the bar in the District of Columbia and has been admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court.  This attorney has specialized in a study of the United States Constitution, and he has written a text on that subject which is one of the most understandable and inspirational books on the Founding Fathers and the Constitution you are likely to read.

“Eighth, we have with us a distinguished churchman who has served in many ecclesiastical capacities, but is best known as a Sunday School teacher who sometimes attracts as many as 350 youth and adults per Sunday, including many of different faiths.

“Ninth, we want you to meet a man who is the national chairman of a committee which recently sponsored a bill in Congress that would return the Federal government to its original Constitutional functions. This bill is called HR-23. It would repeal the Federal income taxes and prohibit the government from competing with private enterprise.

“Tenth and finally, may I present to you the president of a national foundation which conducts conferences and educational programs throughout the country to train Americans in the fundamental genius of the nation’s original success formula. He can demonstrate that nearly every aggravating problem facing America today could be solved by returning to the Founding Fathers’ original formula for happiness, peace, and prosperity.

“Now, let me present each of these distinguished gentlemen by name. The most singular thing about them is that they all have the same name. These ten great men are all identified in the life and achievements of one man, our speaker. Ladies and gentlemen, will you please welcome these ten men in one, Dr. W. Cleon Skousen.”

Jacob Householder

TJC Educator, Director of Outreach

Jacob is a public speaker, researcher, and writer who believes America can be healed through civil public discourse and proper education. He seeks to unify America by promoting and highlighting bipartisan solutions instead of partisan problems. He has assisted with various projects, such as the Harvard Divinity School’s Religious Literacy Project. Jacob is currently studying Financial Economics and is preparing to apply to graduate school to attain a PhD in Economics. He has assisted with the creation of half a dozen educational nonprofits over the past several years. Jacob is an advocate of liberty and has dedicated his life to teaching principles of successful government and making hopeful solutions popular.

Bryson Davis

TJC Educator

Bryson has dedicated his life to understanding the divine science of politics, the cause of liberty, and helping others to understand God’s inspired form of government. His goal is to unify and heal America by means of educating individuals in each community in the nation, on the importance of understanding the U.S. Constitution from the viewpoint of the Founding Fathers. He believes that such is possible by putting less emphasis on political parties and more on political principles, where bi-partisan solutions can be found. Bryson is currently studying accounting and economics at Brigham Young University-Idaho. He is an advocate of liberty and the rule of law and will do all within his power to protect them.

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