The 5000 Year Leap
phraseology allowing the average person to fully comprehend an otherwise difficult subject. Dr. Skousen was able to hold to this premise simplifying a complex subject in creating “The 5000 Year Leap.”
The 5000 Year Leap is a treatise detailing the development and growth of society. The United States of America as a result of following historically proven principles of liberty, freedom and prosperity has greatly enhanced the living standards of all mankind.
A Noble Experiment
These principles have been discovered by earlier societies though not used simultaneously with one another. For the first time in history a government was established built to initiate a “great noble experiment” testing whether these historical individually proven
principles would benefit the newly formed government of the United States.
The creation of the U. S. Constitution began a great experiment that has created a remarkable period of growth and development along
with awakening man’s personal liberty, and freedom. The 5000 Year Leap details the progression leading to the creation of the United States, development of man’s freedoms that have led to the greatest period of prosperity experienced by mankind.
In a short 200 years mankind has grown considerably making a 5000 year leap. Though not all growth occurred in America, the flow of liberty,
freedom and prosperity which the American Founders awakened in the world has caused this magnificent development world-wide.
28 Great Ideas
Dr. Skousen uses “The 5000 Year Leap” to introduce us to “28 ideas that changed the world.” Though the American Founding Fathers had not originated these ideas and principles they were instrumental in assembling the principles into a singular package creating an unparalleled period of success and prosperity.
Today these ideas and principles may seem common as well as old-fashioned. However these principles have been proven true by history. The
5000 Year Leap explicitly describes these ideas and principles explaining how our return to these ideals will solve many of the problems we find our society facing today. This book was written years ago but it is as relevant today as it was when it was originally published.
As members of society we have lost our connection to the basic elements that make true happiness possible. The 5000 Year Leap enlightens these principles inviting us to reintroduce these basic qualities back into our lives.