Congressional Record — October 9, 1875 (Mr. OTTINGER asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point […]
Congressional Record — October 9, 1875 (Mr. OTTINGER asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point […]
Congressional Record — October 9, 1975 [The text has recently been OCR’ed and will be cleaned in the coming weeks.]
Here is Dr. Skousen’s list of commitments for those who claim to be Constitutional Candidates. 1. Be willing to fight
The Miracle of America – Appendix A Because so many millions of Americans finally realize that something is seriously wrong with
Many believe the political divide in the United States is quickly widening, and unfortunately, there’s data to back up that
In response to the Stamp Act of 1765 John Adams said: …liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among
In March of 1783, even though the British had surrendered about a year and a half earlier, George Washington’s troops
How do we find, support and keep men and women of character in public office? Before I answer this question
Former Utah State Senator Al Jackson speaks on the history of slavery and our founding fathers. Please enjoy his unique
Today we honor the symbolism embodied in our nation’s flag. Not the cloth and colors that artfully work together, those