

The Naked Communist

New Thomas Jefferson Center Course! THE NAKED COMMUNIST A presentation on the best-selling book by the late W. Cleon Skousen,


Legacy Library Archive

For nearly 40 years, W. Cleon Skousen travelled around the nation teaching the Making of America Seminars and other constitutional studies and current events presentations. His son-in-law, Glenn Kimber, spent most of those years at his side, collecting and archiving his years of research and references. In recent years, this research archive came to fill more than a dozen file cabinets and the challenge of navigating, transporting, and referencing these paper archives and has become overwhelming. The Thomas Jefferson Center team has begun to scan and OCR these materials to make them digital and searchable. Welcome to the Legacy Library.


The Mayflower Promise: 2020

On November 11th in 1620, exactly 400 years ago, the Pilgrims arrived on the American continent with the hope and promise of a new life of liberty and religious freedom.

In celebration of that momentous event, we invite you to attend the Mayflower Promise: 2020, a digital conference celebrating the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ arrival in America and our heritage of religious freedom. As part of the celebration, we invite Americans from all faith traditions and backgrounds to submit videos sharing why religious freedom is important to them which will be released each day of the conference from November 11-25.

We hope you will join us in what will be an inspiring celebration of that pivotal event in human history and a memorable gathering in the defense of religious freedom.

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