God’s Hand in the Building of America
America has a great need for several political, social, and economic miracles. Our research has convinced us that throughout world history, God has intervened in very direct and dramatic ways on behalf of nations that have sought to preserve the cause of liberty. We are confident that as we strive to do what is right and to establish freedom, prosperity, and peace for all, we can once again justify God’s intervention on our behalf.
This seminar features key historical events to show how God prepared the way for the founding and success of America. This display of providential events spans nearly one thousand years of history. We will explain the motivations of the early American colonists, the challenges they faced as they fought for their rights, and the original intent of the Founding Fathers in their attempts to design a brand new form of government.
Attendees will learn of the unparalleled greatness and inspiration of the American Founders and their exceptional studies which prepared them to craft a Constitution good enough to be a blueprint for all nations around the world. We will demonstrate that their remarkable intelligence was further refined through experience, or the Lord’s “University of Hard Knocks”, which empowered them to set a new standard for nations.
This seminar makes it clear that the God of heaven did not establish the first free people in modern times just to see them collapse into oblivion. Our nation can be healed as we turn our hearts back to God, recognizing Him as the source of our freedoms and blessings, and as we recommit ourselves to God’s preferred pattern of free government.
Access to this seminar is available through the Columbus Center for Constitution Studies’ website. Register to obtain a manual and to gain access.