Want to register for all 4 seminars at a discount?
God’s Hand in the Building of America
Seminar 1
- In this foundational seminar, you’ll learn all about the greatness of the American Founding Fathers and will see how they were indeed inspired of God.
You’ll appreciate more than ever that the hand of God was clearly evident in the building of this great land and will realize that the God of heaven did not establish the first free people in modern times just to see them collapse into oblivion. Most important, you’ll understand that America can be healed and that the Founders’ dream can be renewed and realized.
The Founder’s Charter of Freedom
Seminar 2
- Nobody seems to talk much anymore about the Constitution as the measuring stick for proposed legislation. When they do mention the Constitution, do you find yourself wishing you really knew more about that inspired document? Have you just not known where to go or whom to trust to get the understanding of the Constitution that you really want?
As you participate in Seminar 2 of the Healing of America series, you’ll study the entire Constitution from the viewpoint of the Founding Fathers. You’ll see how the trend away from using the Constitution to evaluate new legislation has allowed emotionalism and private interests to become the new standard of measurement for most laws. What you learn in this session will enable you to understand and appreciate the Constitution as you probably never have before—and you’ll be ready for the critically important topics that you’ll study in Seminar 3.
The Unhinging of America—Attacks on the Charter of Freedom
Seminar 3
- Sadly, “the unhinging of America” has a real ring of truth in today’s political and economic climate, doesn’t it? Have you been wondering what’s really happening to our country and what you can do to get America back on track?
In Seminar 3, you’ll study the people, organizations, and groups that are using their time and resources to try to change the direction of America to serve their own self-interests. While avoiding focusing on the negative, this session will open your eyes to how far our country has been allowed to drift from the Founders’ original principles.
Just as scientists cannot cure cancer until they find out what causes it, we the American people will never be able to heal America without knowing what is causing it to be sick. As you participate in this seminar, you will receive documentation describing the 100 major problems facing America as a result of America’s abandonment of constitutional principles and will learn how the Founding Fathers forewarned us of these problems.
Restoring the Charter of Freedom
Seminar 4
- With the essential understanding you’ll have gained from Seminars 1-3, you’ll be ready to undertake a critical analysis of how the American people can restore the Constitution to its rightful place in our policies and our politics—and how we as a people can heal this great land: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the executive branch, and our educational systems, as well as our nation’s finances.
You will also learn how we can heal America spiritually and morally. Like every thinking American, you already know that we will never be able to succeed in this great land if we don’t eliminate the degeneracy that is wrecking families and destroying lives. But what can you and your family do about it? Seminar 4 will inspire you with new ideas and possibilities that will give you hope and assurance that America can recover and succeed. This “Healing of America” education series will prove to be among your most exciting learning experiences.