October 11, 2011
Endorsement for Senator Russell Pearce
The main mission of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Studies is to do all that can be done to restore the Constitution to its original form and intent. To do this requires an effective educational program to teach the Constitution from the viewpoint of the Founding Fathers, to create an effective national movement to achieve these goals, and to select good, wise, and honest people to serve in all levels of government.
We believe that “good” refers to a person that is living Biblical Morality so his or her sacred oath of office will have true meaning. To be wise means to have an understanding of the Constitution from the viewpoint of the Framers, and to be honest, elected representatives must be willing to put the position of the Founders first in their legislation.
Over the last few years we have been watching the valiant efforts of State Senator Russell Pearce to represent Arizona in healing the great state of Arizona. Our interviews with him have found him to be solid in his Constitutional approach even though it hasn’t always been easy or popular. A number of other states are watching Arizona to see a model they can follow to get government back under control and out of the lives of their citizens.
We encourage all citizens of Arizona to look carefully at what Senator Pearce has accomplished, as it pertains to Constitutional principles, and we are sure you will not only be pleased but will want to retain him as your President of the Senate.
Instead of becoming entrapped by some in the media, please constantly seek to know “why” he sponsored each piece of legislation.
We at the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Studies look forward to being able to see all the states follow in the footsteps of your Arizona Legislature.
Glenn Kimber
Midvale office:
7721 Briarsprings Drive
Midvale, UT 84047
801-938-7135 or 801-634-9320